2nd Renal Failure Academy

2nd Renal Failure Academy



Black Sea

Resort of Mamaia),


June 8-11, 2004


The courses of the 2nd Renal Failure Academy are scheduled in Constanta ( Black Sea resort), and are addressed to nephrologists from all Eastern and South-Eastern European countries. Internationally reputed speakers will cover major topics of clinical nephrology, hypertension, dialysis and transplantation, focusing on evidence-based therapeutic options in acute and chronic renal failure.

Download here

the Final Program in PDF.

The format will also provide interactive sessions and workshops. Participants will be given handouts covering all the subjects of the lectures.

Most of the expenses (travel costs, accommodation, educational materials, meals ) will be covered by the organizers. There is a limited number of participants. The 2 nd Renal Failure Academy has the support of ERA-EDTA, ISN/COMGAN, Joint Action Nephrology Eastern Europe, and the Romanian Society of Nephrology.

Interested nephrologists should submit an application with CV to:

Contact: Assoc.–Professor Adrian Covic, MD, PhD, Nephrology Clinic, Parhon University Hospital , Carol 1 st Blvd. 50, Iasi 6600, Romania .

Fax : +40-232-210940,


[email protected]

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