The ISN-ANIO India Committee builds on the expertise of ISN to bridge gaps in healthcare provision for kidney disease across India. The Committee was initiated by ISN, Indian kidney doctors and nephrologists of Indian origin living abroad to improve care for patients with kidney disease in India.
The ISN-ANIO India Committee is a partnership between ISN, the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) and other nephrologists of the Indian Diaspora. This Committee uses available funds to support innovative programs aimed at improving kidney care in India. The ISN-ANIO India Committee works in partnership with the Indian Society of Nephrology.
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Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Program (CNC): DATE TBC Apprenticeship Program: 1 October 2016 Research Program (CKD): 1 October 2016 Fellowship Program: 1 October 2016 -
CNC Program
Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Program
The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) are pleased to announce the 2015 Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Program (CNC).
Target audience:
Pathologists and nephrologists seeking training in the principles and practice of Nephropathology from all around the world are encouraged to apply. However, applicants from low- and middle-income countries are given priority.Program Objectives:
- Identify the key principles in the preparation of kidney biopsy material – preparation of sections for LM, IF and EM. Review the different staining techniques and their purpose.
- Apply knowledge of different patterns of renal injury observed in histopathologic specimens in classifying syndromes of nephron injury and integrating this knowledge into the management of clinical presentations of renal disease.
- Use newly gained knowledge of specific renal syndromes or diseases (e.g., acute kidney injury, autoimmune renal disease, diabetic kidney disease, genetic renal disease, hepatorenal syndrome, pregnancy related renal disease) to infer pathophysiologic mechanisms and apply this to the management of patients.
- Use updated knowledge of kidney pathology for better patient management.
Program Structure:
The CNC program spans over one year and includes over 40 recorded online lectures and 12 live webinars (one each month). The course attendees are required to attend all the live webinars, pass short quizzes throughout the course, and pass a final exam in order to get the certificate.Graduation Requirement:
The course attendees are required to attend >75% of the live webinars AND obtain a “pass“ (a score of 75%) in both a mid-year and a final exam in order to receive the certificate.Application Information:
Tuition Fees are waived for Trainees in MD, DNB, DM or PhD from low- and middle-income countries. Trainees must provide documentation for their training status. Educational credentials of any applicant is subject for verification.
Application form: Applicants must fill and submit the online application form by the deadline. If the applicant is a trainee, s/he must submit a proof of training and letter of endorsement from his/her department chair.
Program dates: April 1, 2015 to March 30, 2016Featured CNC Faculty:
Gerald B. Appel, M.D, Director of Clinical Nephrology, Columbia University Medical Center
Jamil Azzi, MD Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Vanesa Bijol, MD, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Anil K. Chandraker, M.D, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Robert Colvin, MD, Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Bradley Denker, MD, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Fernando Fervenza, M.D, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic
Ana Greka, MD, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
David Mount, MD, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Helmut Rennke, M.D, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Leonardo Riella, MD Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Jai Radhakrishnan, MD, Renal Division, Columbia University
Ajay K. Singh, M.D, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
David. J. Salant, MD, Boston University
Sanjeev Sethi, M.D, Department of Pathology, Mayo Clinic
Sushrut Waikar, MD, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Astrid Weins, MD, PhD, Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s HospitalQuestions:
For any questions related to the course and the application, please contact: ISN-ANIO CNC Program Manager, Dr. Youssef Farag – [email protected]
Apprenticeship Program
The Indukaka Ipcowala Advanced Apprenticeship Program has been established by the ISN ANIO India Committee to enable physicians or allied healthcare personnel from India to gain specific skills by practical experience in any field of nephrology, including but not limited to renal pathology, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, kidney transplantation, dialysis.
Deadline for applications: 1 October 2016
CLICK HERE for more information
CLICK HERE to download the program brochure
Research Program
Chronic Kidney Disease Research Project: Call for applications is OPEN
The ISN-ANIO India Committee in collaboration with Indian Society of Nephrology invites applications from young nephrologists (both junior faculty and physicians in specialist training) working in India for clinical research projects focused on chronic kidney disease (CKD).
In this year’s application round, we welcome proposals for clinical research projects in two aspects of CKD:
Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD)
CKD of unknown aetiology (CKDu)Successful projects will be pragmatic, innovative, transformative and relevant to the Indian context. The proposed project should be 1-3 years in duration. The project should have potential for early significant impact on the management of DKD or CKDu in India.
This call is co-funded (50:50) by the ISN -ANIO India Committee and the Indian Society of Nephrology. The maximum funds available for each project will be $50,000 (regardless of the proposed duration). It is anticipated that a maximum of two projects will be funded through this call. It is expected that successful projects will attract matching grants from India to complete the project.
The applications received will be assessed by a grants committee comprising eminent nephrologists and diabetologists from India and members of the ISN-ANIO India Committee. Members of this grants committee will offer mentorship to the successful candidates to carry out the proposed research.
Deadline for application: 1 October 2016
Material needed to submit the online application: A 5 page (A4) project proposal with the following headings: Abstract (max 250 words), Specific aims and significance (max 500 words), Background (max 500 words), Preliminary data (max 500 words), Research Design and Methods (max 1000 words), Timeline and References (1 page), Budget and Budget Justification. Please submit also a brief research CV of lead and co-applicants.
Joint ISN-ANIO Fellowship Program
The Committee supports ISN-ANIO Fellows, young Indian nephrologists who are selected through the ISN Fellowship Program for a period of training overseas.
Deadline for applications: 1 October 2016
Click HERE for more information.
Sandrine Damster – [email protected] with the ISN-ANIO project name in the email subject line.
Committee Members:
John Feehally (UK) – ISN – Co-chair
Ajay Singh (USA) – Chair of ANIO – Co-chair
Prabir Roy-Chaudhury (USA)
Rulan Parekh (Canada)Georgi Abraham (India)
Sanjay Agarwal (India)
Indranil Dasgupta (UK)
Ravi Mehta (USA)
Gopesh Modi (India)
Manisha Sahay (India)
Mohan Rajapurkar (India)
Sanjeev Sethi (USA)ISN-ANIO Sub Committees
Chair: Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury (USA), [email protected]
Co-Chair: Dr. Georgi Abraham (INDIA), [email protected]Mission: The goal of the transplant subcommittee is to advance all aspects of renal transplantation in India with a special focus on teaching, training and mentorship of committed individuals. Initiatives:
Acute Kidney Injury
Chair Dr. Ravindra L. Mehta (USA): [email protected]
Co-Chair: Raj ChakarvarthiChronic Kidney disease
Chair: Indranil Dasgupta: [email protected] (UK)Renal Pathology
Chair:Dr. Ajay Singh (USA) [email protected]
Co-Chair: Dr. Vanesa Bijol