An ISN leadership team began a trip to South East Asia by conducting the first ISN GO Oceania/South East Asia (OSEA) Regional Workshop on September 11, 2012, held in conjunction with the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis meeting in Kuala Lumpur.
The team included ISN President John Feehally, GO Chair William Couser, CME Chair Norbert Lameire and Peter Kerr and Kriang Tungsanga, chair and co-chair of the ISN OSEA Regional Committee. At the workshop they presented an overview of ISN, the GO programs and ISN activities in the OSEA region. The workshop was the sixth in the initial round of workshops to be held in each region every two years.
A small but enthusiastic audience from at least eight countries participated in the open discussion with detailed questions about each of the programs and how they could be utilized better in the OSEA region. Topics of particular interest included possibilities of more regional fellowship training and sister renal center relationships and ways for ISN to better serve the small but emerging nephrology community in Myanmar.
Following the workshop the five ISN leaders continued their visit to South East Asia to provide CME events in Vientiane, Laos and Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.
Last modified on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 13:32