Partnerships are important when trying to build a career in nephrology and get the best fellowship training. Through the Fellowship Program, ISN has partnered with some 13 organizations, societies and universities – offering a little something for everyone.
ISN Fellows receive hands-on training in advanced host institutions, allowing them to acquire state-of-the-art knowledge in basic and clinical nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, and epidemiology. The training focuses on providing the exact skills and knowledge specifically required by the home institution. The next deadline for applications is June 15, 2014.
Here is a round up of the joint fellowships currently available:
- The Kidneys for Life Fellowship offers training at The Manchester Royal Infirmary Hospital.
- Amgen Fellowship supports training in Egypt, South Africa, Turkey or Russia in clinical nephrology, in educational methods or research.
- ANIO Fellowship is for candidates of Indian origin wishing to train in renal pathology, transplantation and CKD epidemiology.
- APSN Fellowship offers training opportunities to be hosted within the Asian Pacific region.
- CREED Fellowship targets young physicians from South East Asia wishing to train in Oceania and South East Asia only.
- ERA-EDTA Fellowship targets young physicians from Northern Africa, Middle East or Eastern Europe to be hosted in a European unit.
- IPNA Fellowship offers a fellowship to applicants who wish to train in pediatric nephrology.
- Kidney Research UK Fellowship targets applicants who want to carry out a 12-month training within a UK institution.
- Hong Kong Visiting Fellowship is designed to enable Chinese Fellows to train in selected host centers in Hong Kong.
- SLANH Fellowship sets out to advance nephrology within Latin America.
- University of Michigan Fellowship helps advance nephrology in the English speaking Caribbean area and Sub-Saharan African Region.
- British Renal Association Fellowship is a 12-month training program within a UK institution. The fellowship should include both clinical nephrology and research.
- Turkish Society of Nephrology Fellowship offers a special opportunity for young nephrologists from Turkey.
To acknowledge great contributions from Otsuka, the Salmasi and Schrier families, ISN has established special fellowships that also bear their name. To recognize Saulo Klahr’s great contributions to ISN and nephrology, each year the ISN Fellowship program awards a fellowship in his name to the best candidate from Latin America.
For further information, CLICK HERE. To apply for the ISN Fellowship Program, CLICK HERE. The next deadline for applications is June 15, 2014.