The call for nominations is now open for the Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize for Advancement in the Understanding of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Deadline is October 1st, 2016.
The Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize for Advancement in the Understanding of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), created in 2002, recognizes a medical or other scientific professional or researcher exhibiting excellence and leadership in PKD clinical or basic research. The $50,000 cash prize is one of the most significant awards in the medical research field.
The Lillian Jean Kaplan International PKD Prize was established by the Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Foundation and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) through the generosity of Thomas Kaplan of New York, USA in memory of his mother Lillian Jean Kaplan who was a PKD sufferer and died in 2002.
The long term goal of the Prize is to stimulate members of the scientific and medical community throughout the world to perform research that will lead to a treatment and cure for the millions of people worldwide, who suffer from PKD. It also aims to generate momentum in the field as well as public awareness about the disease.
The Prize recognizes individual(s) whose seminal scientific work constitutes tangible achievement toward improving knowledge and treatment of PKD. $50,000 USD is payable in American funds to an individual winner. More than one prize may be awarded and it may be awarded to residents of any country without restriction.
The 2017 Prize will be presented at the World Congress of Nephrology in Mexico in April 2017. In addition to the $50,000 USD prize, a citation depicting the winner’s work and a sculpture will be presented.
The awardee(s) will present a lecture during the World Congress of Nephrology.
A complete nomination must include the following information:
- The full name and complete contact information for the nominee(s).
- A formal letter of nomination which contains a summary of the contributions of the nominee(s) and a description of how and why the work of the nominee(s) represents a major advance in basic or clinical understanding of PKD, distinguishing those aspects of the work which clearly set it apart from the work of others in the field.
- A full curriculum vitae and bibliography of the nominee(s).
- At least two letters of support for the nomination.
- The full name and complete contact information for the nominator(s).
Deadline for nominations is October 1st, 2016. To see who previously received this award, CLICK HERE.
Nominations should to be sent to:
Dr. Nathan W. Levin, Chair of the Advisory Committee Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize for Advancement in the Understanding of PKD
E-mail: [email protected]