ISN History
General Information
Since its foundation in 1960 in Evian, Switzerland, ISN has promoted the worldwide advancement of education, science, and patient care in nephrology. This goal has long been pursued by means of the Society’s journal and the organization of international congresses and symposia.
In order to better reach its colleagues and patients in economically less developed countries, in 1980 ISN expanded its activities to include a large number of programs specifically aimed at these regions.
Phases of Development
phase of activities included Teaching Programs, Fellowships, and Visiting Scholar Programs. Travel Grants were also offered to enhance accessibility to ISN congresses.
phase consisted of the creation of a Library Enhancement Program, a Commission on Acute Renal Failure and – in order to improve the organization and efficiency – a central Commission on Global Advancement of Nephrology (COMGAN).
phase was entered when all activities were intensified under the guidance of COMGAN, supported by a large number of teaching programs and fact finding missions; by establishing a Renal Sister Program; and by starting a Commission on Informatics and another on Clinical Trials.
As a result, ISN has reached most parts of the world previously deprived of contact with renal science and renal patient care. In many of its activities, ISN closely collaborates with sister organizations, which also contribute financially. In total, ISN spends annually over US$1 million from its own budget on the programs described above.
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Bibliography of the History of Nephrology
ISN member Dr. J. Stewart Cameron has prepared an annotated bibliography of works dealing with the history of nephrology, from 1788 to the present day.
This list is a “work in progress”. It is updated as new papers are published. The participation of members and other interested parties is essential to making this list as complete as possible. Those familiar with papers, books, videos, websites or any other relevant material not listed in the bibliography are invited to contact
The bibliography is available for download below (PDF)*.
Bibliography of Works in the History of Nephrology |
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