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ISN Prizes & Grants

Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize

Amgen Inc. International Prize

Baxter Extramural Grant

Travel Grants

Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize 


Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize

for Advancement in the Understanding of  Polycystic Kidney Disease


was established through the generosity of the family of Thomas and Dafna Kaplan, in honor of Mr. Kaplan’s late mother Lillian Jean Kaplan, who died of the disease.

It follows the dedication of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Renal Transplantation Center at the University of Miami and comprises a valuable component of a broad and integrated approach to address the needs of kidney patients generally, and PKD sufferers specifically, from around the world. The prize, to be awarded every other year after 2003, was created to stimulate interest in advancing PKD research leading to new treatments and a cure for PKD.

To learn more about the Lillian Jean Kaplan Foundation, please click


Thanks to the outstanding generosity of Thomas Kaplan, in 2003 the full prize of $50,000 was exceptionally awarded twice in recognition of research carried out by two eminent nephrologists selected from amongst eight nominees from around the globe




Dr. Jared J. Grantham

, University Distinguished Professor of the University of Kansas Medical Center and Director of the Kidney Institute at the Center, Kansas City, KS (USA) was selected for his major research contribution and particularly his outstanding leadership in polycystic kidney disease



Dr. Peter Harris

, Professor of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology and Medicine, Mayo Medical School and Consultant, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (USA) 

was chosen for his original research in polycystic kidney disease and specifically for the identification and complete cloning of the PKD1 gene.

Amgen Inc. International Prize



for the

2005 Amgen International  Prize Call for Nominations .


Amgen Inc. International Prize

was established in 2003 with the generous support of Amgen to recognize those who have increased the understanding and treatment of kidney disease, through basic or clinical scientific research leading to therapeutic advances.

During the World Congress of Nephrology 2003 in Berlin,

Dr. Barry M. Brenner

of the Harvard Medical School and Director Emeritus of the Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA (USA) received $50,000 for establishing the foundations of understanding of the progression of chronic kidney disease and its retardation by blockade of the renin angiotensin system in experimental and clinical studies, leading to major benefit for millions of patients with diabetes, hypertension, and other kidney disease.

Baxter Extramural Grant

The Baxter Extramural Grant program, called

Renal Discoveries

, was designed to promote scientific discoveries in the field of kidney disease. Supporting the study of all aspects of kidney disease, from pathophysiology to treatment options, Renal Discoveries provides much needed resources to enable researchers and clinical investigators to pursue the broad long-term studies that are critical to enhancing knowledge of kidney disease and its treatment.

Full program details are available



Travel Grants

ISN provides travel grants to both the ISN International Congress and the ISN Forefront Conferences.

Full program details are available





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