Program Application – ISN Information – The ISN Website

Program Application

Program Application

Application and Selection Procedures for Volunteer Educational Ambassadors

ISN Global Outreach Programs invite all ISN members to volunteer to become Educational Ambassadors.

Eligibility criteria for individuals who wish to become an ISN Educational Ambassador are:

  • Active ISN membership is a MUST. Your application will not be considered if your ISN membership is not in good order.
  • You should demonstrate expertise in a defined area of renal medicine documented by publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  • You should have active faculty appointments at accredited institutions. You should be willing and able to free some time (at least 1 to 4 weeks) to teach in a developing nephrology center.
  • You should confirm your adherence to theDeclaration of Istanbul

Please send a duly completed and signed application form to the ISN  together with your CV.
There is no specific deadline for application submission.

Applications can be submitted throughout the  year. A board of reviewers will assess your application before you are formally approved as an ISN Educational Ambassador. You will be informed about the outcome of your application within a month.

Once approved, we will include some details related to your professional background in the list of ISN Ambassador, available on ISN Gateway.  Please note  that  ambassadors’ contact details  will not be published. Ambassadors will always be approached by the ISN  to promote contact with the center requesting training.

Please note that ISN cannot be held liable for any consequences related to travelling or staying abroad. The responsibility for procuring health/accident and travel insurances remains with the Educational Ambassador. You or your relatives cannot hold ISN responsible in the event of untoward events or experiences.

Application and Selection Procedures for Centers  in Developing Countries

Emerging centers whishing to receive the visit of a teacher /expert to deliver specific training can present an EAP application by  May 1 or October 1 each year. Completed applications should comprise the following:

  • EAP application form – jointly signed by the host center, proposed expert (if available) and Chair of the Regional Committee (click here to find their contact details).

  • Application form and CV of the proposed ambassador- if he/she is not yet listed as an ISN Educational Ambassador (the list can be found here).

  • The candidate  or a representative of the host center MUST have an active ISN member. Your application will not be considered if the ISN membership is not in good order.

It is also a requirement that the center confirms its adherence to the Declaration of Istanbul

Incomplete applications will not be eligible for assessment by the board of reviewers. Your application will be judged incomplete if you haven’t identified a suitable expert.

ATTENTION! It is important for you to have established some contact with a trainer before applying to the program.

Matching Initiative

In 2012 the Educational Ambassadors Program has launched a Matching Initiative to further encourage and support global nephrology training. This gives the opportunity to applying centers in the developing countries to find, through the ISN , an appropriate ISN ambassador for a specific training in the field of renal medicine.

If you whish to receive the ISN support to identify a suitable trainer, take a look at the current list of ISN Educational Ambassadors and send a request form to the ISN office well in advance of the deadlines.

Click here to download the form to request an ambassador –  there is no specific deadline to submit your request– it can be done throughout the year but this step must be taken prior to submitting an application to invite an expert. ISN will put you in contact with an available ambassador and will provide you with support in preparing your application.

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