To apply for ISN membership CLICK HERE
Join ISN today and be part of the leading global society advancing kidney care around the world. You will not only benefit from many valuable member benefits (see below) but you will also be supporting ISN’s programs and initiatives in building kidney health equality worldwide.
Member Benefits
Access to Leading Scientific Journals in Nephrology
- Kidney International*, ISN’s official journal, is one of the most cited in nephrology and widely regarded as the world’s premier journal on the development and consequences of kidney disease. Print and online access is free with your ISN membership (worth between $1,150 and $2,300 depending on where you live).
- Nature Reviews Nephrology*, an official publication of ISN, is a peer-reviewed journal for nephrologists and affiliated health-care professionals. The journal delivers timely interpretations of key scientific developments in nephrology and related areas of study. Online access is free to ISN members.
Reduced Rates at World Renowned Events
- ISN World Congress of Nephrology is the leading biennial educational event in international nephrology, attracting attendance from the worldwide nephrology community, including physicians, academicians, and clinical and basic researchers, as well as other healthcare professionals involved in multidisciplinary nephrology care. It not only features a world-class scientific program but also reflects the unique role of ISN’s efforts in advancing renal care in the developing and developed world.
- ISN Nexus Symposia bridge the gap between basic research and clinical practice and offer a profound focus on translational medicine and clinical application. The Nexus symposia aim to address the increasingly multidisciplinary approach to kidney health issues by bringing together researchers and practicing clinicians to advance science and treatment around highly targeted and specific themes of current relevance.
- ISN Forefronts Symposia focus on emerging and groundbreaking research. They gather nephrologists and active investigators from surrounding medical areas to explore new scientific domains and review the latest developments in kidney disease.
Access to ISN Educational & Collaborative Resources
- ISN Education is a comprehensive collection of educational resources with a database of articles, case studies, guidelines, presentations, and images. It also includes special resources like Ask the Experts and Global Outreach Postings.
- ISN Member Directory helps to connect and collaborate with other fellow members.
Eligibility for ISN Capacity-Building Programs and Society Committees
- As an ISN member, you benefit from many exclusive opportunities and openings with the Society. You can apply for or contribute to one of the many ISN Programs offering valuable training and educational activities for kidney specialists of all levels, clinical physicians and other healthcare professionals.
- Members have voting rights* and are eligible to serve on ISN Committees*. From the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee to the ISN Council there are lots of opportunities to get involved with and guide the workings of the Society.
Access to Society News and Nephrology Updates
- ISN News is ISN’s quarterly newsletter showcasing a round-up of the latest happenings within the Society, including in-depth articles on pressing issues and initiatives, plus illuminating extras like member profiles and reports on Society gatherings.
- ISN e-Update is the Society’s monthly e-mail newsletter providing updates on ISN daily activities and initiatives, nephrology news, journal content, unique member services and upcoming ISN events.
- ISN Gateway is ISN’s official website providing the primary outlet for publishing programs, initiatives and activities and the main access point to Kidney International and Nature Reviews Nephrology online content.
- ISN Social Media allow members to stay connected, engaged and up-to-date on ISN’s vast efforts around the world in addition to sharing education, research, professional developments and leadership opportunities.
* available to applicable member categories
For any further information relating to ISN Membership or any of ISN’s programs, activities and member services, please contact us directly at [email protected].
- Parent Category: ISN Information